Grant Montgomery
Professor Grant Montgomery is an NHMRC Leadership Fellow and Group Leader for the Genomics of Reproductive Disorders Laboratory at the Institute for Molecular Bioscience, University of Queensland (UQ).
Grant is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences, Fellow of the Society for Reproductive Biology, and Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand. His outstanding track record in genetic epidemiology, reproductive biology, and systems genetics. He has published >700 papers including influential papers in life sciences and medicine.
As an international leader in genetics of endometriosis, and leader of the flagship program EndoAIMM, he has made significant contributions to genetic mapping and functional studies to identify target genes likely responsible for modified risk in endometriosis. He is also co-leader of the International Endometriosis Genetics Consortium and has national and international collaborations on genetic and environmental risk factors, epidemiology, endometrial stem cells, and genetic regulation gene expression in endometrium.
Grant is a member of the Advisory Committee for the National Endometriosis Scientific and Clinical Trials (NECST) Network and is the Director of the Genome Innovation Hub (UQ funded) that is developing novel genomics methods and pipelines through over 30 collaborative projects.